It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something (Crash, 2004)
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Unde ne facem cumparaturile, ce retete punem in practica, cum ne decoram hruba, ce flori ne imbie diminetile
O colectie (mereu crescanda!) cu fotografii facute lui Toma. Viata de zi cu zi a lui fi-miu, documentata ca la carte...
Bicicleta de pe balcon mai are o sansa. De reabilitare... Am acoperit-o protector cu un pled vechi, ca sa nu rugineasca pana cand zapada asta (care nu mai trece) o sa fie old news. Pana atunci, caut idei si moduri noi de a o folosi. Si acum am gasit ceva chiar interesant...
Explicatie: Two thieves on a motor-scooter flew by and snatched a womans purse on a street in Wenzhou, China. Surveillance video shows a man riding a bicycle. As he was passing by the front of a hotel near where the thievery happened, he stopped, calmly got off his bicycle, picked it up, and then threw it at the thieves. The bicycle hit them, they lost control, and crashed to the ground.
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