Bassam Gemayel (libanez, om de afaceri, de doi ani in Romania) zice asa:
- asteptam sa vina o lege ca sa ne schimbe in mai bine
- schimbarea vine mereu de la altii, de sus in jos (credem noi)
- "stand up for your rights"
- "there are no stupid quiestions; just stupid answers"
- "instead of planting a tree, plant your ideas into you and others"
- "to move a mountain, start with a stone"
- "believe in evolution, not revolution"
- "we need time, patience and modesty"
- "no, i know..." zic romanii; "stop knowing! do something with your knowledge"
- am uitat ca suntem o societate
- "you may say i'm a dreamer... john lennon said i am not the only one"
- "be the change you want to see in the world" (mahatma gandhi)
Discursul de la TEDx Bucharest... clic pe foto!
Plusez si zic si eu:
+ avem nevoie de credinciosi! (nu din cei ce se duc la biserica)
+ "everytime you spend money, you're casting a vote for the king of world you want" (anna lappe)
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