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perfect strangers

perfect strangers
It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something (Crash, 2004)

Prin casa

Prin casa
Unde ne facem cumparaturile, ce retete punem in practica, cum ne decoram hruba, ce flori ne imbie diminetile



O colectie (mereu crescanda!) cu fotografii facute lui Toma. Viata de zi cu zi a lui fi-miu, documentata ca la carte...


Unordered List

notes to myself

Bassam Gemayel (libanez, om de afaceri, de doi ani in Romania) zice asa:

- asteptam sa vina o lege ca sa ne schimbe in mai bine
- schimbarea vine mereu de la altii, de sus in jos (credem noi)
- "stand up for your rights"
- "there are no stupid quiestions; just stupid answers"
- "instead of planting a tree, plant your ideas into you and others"
- "to move a mountain, start with a stone"
- "believe in evolution, not revolution"
- "we need time, patience and modesty"
- "no, i know..." zic romanii; "stop knowing! do something with your knowledge"
- am uitat ca suntem o societate
- "you may say i'm a dreamer... john lennon said i am not the only one"
- "be the change you want to see in the world" (mahatma gandhi)

Discursul de la TEDx Bucharest... clic pe foto!

Plusez si zic si eu:
+ avem nevoie de credinciosi! (nu din cei ce se duc la biserica)
+ "everytime you spend money, you're casting a vote for the king of world you want" (anna lappe)

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